Sunday, January 12, 2014

Read the Damn Blog!

This blog post is really just for Lisa Adams...I want her to know what I wrote in a comment to Bill Keller's recent editorial in the NYTimes. 

"I am absolutely convinced that neither you nor your wife have sat down and taken the time to actually read Lisa's do it. Grab a cup of coffee and start about two years ago, before her met diagnosis.  Get to know her, then follow her journey. do NOT cherry pick. do not rely on just tweets. READ THE DAMN BLOG. Then come back and read your editorial. and try to tell me it reflects Lisa's opinions or experience.  Because it does not. She would tell you that every person's journey through cancer is unique to themselves and there is NOT one way or a right way to make that journey.  She would agree with you that the "battle" metaphor is is one she NEVER EVER uses...the fact you read it into her experience is from something in you that brings it to the table. I just can't believe that you have compounded Emma's misstatements and misunderstandings with your own. It is a sad day and many, many of us who call ourselves friends of Lisa are sad, angry, and disappointed. You do her a a great disservice at a time when she does not have the energy to combat it. So we will do it for her. "