Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary Sweetie!

Today is Jerry and my 23rd anniversary.  Hard to believe!  I love you Sweetie...for so many reasons:

1.  Your integrity

2.  Your intelligence and analytical mind.

3.  You are always interested in new ideas, new places, new experiences

4.  You always treat me with respect and as an equal.

5.  Your sense of humor

6.  You are willing to go to concerts with me even if you can't always hear what they are singing...or even like their music.

7.  You are still handsome...yes after all these years.

8.  You love the cats and dogs as much as I do.

9.  You support me in anything I want to do.

10.  You encourage me to spend lots of girl times with myh girlfriends...even if it means going all the way to London for Rolling Stones Concerts.

11.  You are great to shop with.

12.  You want to see as much of the world as I do!

13.  You love to play dominoes and don't mind when i win (which I do a lot :-)

14.  You love Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, and Sugarland!

15.  You  love books and the world of reading.

16. You cook really well...better than me!

17. You love to watch Dancing with the Stars with me.

18.  You've  learned the right end of binoculars and come bird watching with me.

19.  You're a good Dad and love your son.

20.  And, you still love me after all these years



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