Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Eve Eve

This morning Jason and I made cinnamom rolls from scratch (well, Jason made them..I cleaned up and gave sage advice...some taken). He did a great job...all agreed they were scrumptious. He put in a mixture of finely cut almonds, walnuts, pecans, and pistachio along with cinnamon, clove, honey, brown sugar and honey...and a layer of phyllo dough rolled up inside the roll. Again...yummy.

Yaric and Jerry went sporting clay shooting with our friends Jeff and Steve at M&M Preserve and Sporting Clays in New Jersey. We bundled them up and said goodbye and both agreed (Jason and I) we'd rather be cooking in a warm kitchen than shooting in 20 degree weather. But they had a great time and Yaric had a great first day of shooting!

In the late morning Leonard and his cousin Stephann came over to visit Jason. I caught the tail end of the visit and took a few photos. I miss having Jason and Leonard around...they make quite a pair!

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