Thursday, November 20, 2008

Scratch and Sniff - Just Say No

Much to my delight today, the People magazine arrived with Hugh Jackman on the cover as the sexiest man of the year (I say "It's about time!"). So as I settled down for a read, I came across the section called "Sexy Scents" with photos of four "hunks" where you can "rub here to smell Taye Digg's Sexy Scent"....eeeeww. I think we've just crossed the boundary in to "Poor Taste Land". I think Taye Diggs is very handsome...I do not want to scratch his bare chest and smell it....eeeeww. What set of marketing morons came up with that idea? geeesh.


Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I'm with you - ewwwww!

Keri said...

Though I do agree that it truly is in poor taste...I must admit that I did sniff and the best was Taye Diggs. What can I say? I had to know what they smelled like! :)