Saturday, May 9, 2009

An unexpected note of good wishes from abroad.

Several years ago Jerry and I traveled to China where we bought some pearl earrings from Fanghua Pearls in Beijing. It was a delightful experience and I remember looking at all the pictures on the walls of foreign heads of state who had bought pearls from them at one time or another (for some reason I particularly remember a photo of Margaret Thatcher). Since that time they have never pestered us with emails or advertisements (even though we gave them our email). Today we received this from them:

Dear Sir or Madam:
This is a letter from Fanghua Pearls in China.
The A ( H1N1) influenza outbreak in some nations reminds us the days in 2003 when SARS epidemic spread in our country. We hope everyone is fine this time in your home town. We will stand together with you and believe that you and your great country will conquer all the difficulties.
Wish you and your family always be health and happy!

Fanghua Pearls

I have to say I was touched and responded back with thanks. It was a good reminder that we are not in this life alone, as individuals or as countries).

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