Saturday, July 12, 2008

My wonderful diet!

Since our annual physical at Mayo Clinic in June, I have managed to drop 5 lbs (afer gaining 10 over the last year.  I've had several friends ask me "what is your secret" it is:  The Recipe for My Wonderful Diet.

First, you mix a little gallstones that keep you from eating fatty things with  a .5 mcg synthyroid pill to wake up the sluggish thyroid I didn't know I had.
Then you eat foods that are good for bringing Jerry's blood sugars and cholesterol levels to more desireable levels (lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats and fish) , 
You start sharing restaurant meals with Jerry so neither of you eat to much (because its REALLY important that he lose about 15 lbs), And you start dishing up small portions at home.
You start reading labels so you eliminate transfat ( isn't joke they really ARE bad...all that transfat settles in your stomach fat!!!) and increase fiber and find all that hidden sugar.
You try to rememberto carry around little healthy snacks (gnerally high protein, low fat)  for when you are suddenly RAVENOUS at inopportune times. So you don't binge when its meal time.
I cut out all soft drinks and most alcohol (but not all) and stick to water and iced tea and lattes with non-fat milk.  Oh...yes...non-fat milk...cut out whole milk and 2%...go with 0% or 1% if you must.
And then you try really hard to be more active on a regular basis: for me lots of walking and more pilates. . 
Oh...and I started taking B-12 and Calcium (again) at the request of my doctor because of GIRD medications that I take that "retard" their absorption in your stomach.  Turns out both contribute to keeping your metabolism at an even keel (not slowing down). so Jerry and I are both taking them.
I know you were hoping for recipes and a diet plan...but that's what I'm doing...And I've lost 5 pounds in a month...and yes, without being hungry, or feeling cheated  (okay that is not true,,,I miss ice cream...that will reenter my diet in some form once those durn gallstones are gone).  The only negative is having to think more about what I eat and when. 
There you have it...share meals and eater smaller portions, eat more fruits and vegetables and whole grains, don't drink your sugar, get your thyroid checked, move more, get rid of that transfat, take your vitamins and
develop gallstones...voila...instant weight loss.

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